Ronak Chhallani

Ronak Chhallani brings a blend of robust financial acumen and operational expertise to his role as a Finance and Operations Analyst. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, majoring in Finance and minoring in Economics, from FLAME University. Ronak began his career at Kingfish Group, a private equity consulting firm, where he worked as an Operations Associate for nearly two years. During his time there, he worked on client deliverables, including merger & acquisition landscapes and executive decks on PowerPoint, conducted Google Sheets and Excel analytics, and managed databases on Salesforce CRM. One of the significant tasks that Ronak worked on was the “Close the Loop” initiative. He led this initiative to revamp and improve the time taken for the company to close the loop with its executives, reducing the process time from 1.5 months to 2 hours. This achievement contributed to his promotion to Senior Operations Associate within a year into his role. Ronak also served on the engagement committee, organizing activities and events to enhance team bonding. After a brief career break for health reasons, Ronak joined his family business as an Operations Assistant, working in small-scale vehicle finance and personal finance. Beyond his professional achievements, Ronak has a keen interest in the stock market. While he modestly describes himself as not a "big bull" yet, he is continually learning and investing with a focus on financial stability and market dynamics. He is also passionate about dance, with 16 years of experience in styles such as hip hop, lyrical & commercial hip hop, freestyle, contemporary, South Indian folk, and Bollywood.